Saturday, September 8, 2012

Embellishments for Wedding Invitations

With Snazzylime I like to keep it simple, I like to design, I like to get to know a bride (if she will let me) & I like to simply and tastefully embellish invites. Here are some ways to embellish invites.

-Incorporating a piece of your wedding (fabric, etc)
-Monograms (old fashioned & modern)
-Envelope liner
-Colorful envelopes
-Fun printed envelopes (digital or calligraphy) 
-Textured envelopes
-Chevron designs
-Bold fonts
-Textured paper
-Bright paper with white writing
-Period patterns (Victorian, Western, etc)
-Bold bright colors

These are just a few ideas that I've tried... & you can use almost any of these things on all your wedding stationery for it all to be cohesive! What a statement that would be! :) I have so much fun with this. You can also incorporate many different themes.. but that might be a post for another day.

Contact Snazzylime using the contact page for more information on how we can make one of these work for you and your wedding.
