Thank you all for reading the blog! :)I have received lots of feedback from the website revamp post… I’m excited to look into more options. I’m NOT a website person, I like the snazzysite… but since I made it its hard to see the real function. I’m so glad I asked! I will keep you posted on changes.
Other stuff:
- I will be posting photos of the first birthday party I did this week!
- THREE brides of mine got married in the past 3 weeks… Becker’s on the 4th, Warren’s on the 5th, and the Franley’s on the 11th! Another on the 25th of this month… I’m so excited for these couples!
- Also, I have had 4 new followers on twitter this past week and a half! #thereshopeyet So, if you aren’t following me on twitter yet…. find me @thats_snazzy
- I have 3 more brides to finish up with in the coming months, and I hope to gain more in the near future… so if you know anyone, send ‘em on the snazzy way!
- In my down time I will be reading some business books, and working on expanding the contract.
- Also, I’m getting my new product ready for debut! I will be announcing that in August. Yaay.
- And I have also purchased some fancy scrapbooks for displaying all my samples! I’m so excited to put them together!