Snazzylime is looking for places to find all the brides! Where could they be? I have kept with my old habit of just sharing myself on Facebook along with shameless posts on my own status practically begging! But I want to get off the computer and into OKC! Where can I find these oh so wonderful and frugal brides?!?!?!I’m going to have to take some drastic measures pretty soon to drum up some business. Any tips, ideas? Pass ‘em the Snazzy way. And if YOU know a bride… have ‘em check out Snazzylime! www.snazzylime-invites.com
If you ARE a bride, if you once WERE, what kind of things would YOU want to see from/in your invitation specialista? What would you ask? What would you be concerned about?
Signed Hopeful, Emily Leary :)